
MST was founded in 1992 with the efforts of several lecturers from the Medical Faculty of University Malaya and other academic institutions. Since its formation, MST has seen a significant number of high quality research and publications contributing to the field of toxinology and medicine.

MST is the sole body in Malaysia to dedicate its purpose on toxin research and clinical toxinology.

The objectives:
  1. To continue developing and improving the science of toxinology in Malaysia.
  2. To identify and encourage potential research and to publish updated information in the field of toxinology.
  3. To improve understanding and encourage progress in the field of toxinology.
  4. To function as a platform for its members to communicate through various scientific proceedings and programs.
  5. To foster good networking between experts on toxinology and members of other associations or institution with similar interests and purposes 
  6. To function as a credible reference point for qualified information and optimal clinical practice in Malaysia

Red colour
Signifies the potential danger of toxins, which prompts the combined efforts in research and clinical management.

White colour 
Indicates the purest intention in seeking knowledge and treating patients; functions as the source of reference in the various fields of Toxinology.

White lines in box 
Signifies the journey of gathering knowledge, experience, and expertise, to share them through various educational programmes. The lines of knowledge connect the various expertise that drive our passion in the various  areas of Toxinology.

Snake, mushroom, jellyfish & scorpion
Representative symbols that reflect the diverse sources of toxins i.e. from various land and marine animals, plants, fungi and microorganisms.


Persatuan ini telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1992 diatas usaha beberapa pensyarah di Fakulti Perubatan, Universiti Malaya dengan kerjasama beberapa pakar dari institusi akademik yang lain. Sejak itu persatuan ini telah melihat banyak usaha dan kajian bermutu tinggi dan bermanfaat kepada bidang toksinologi dan perubatan sejagat.
Persatuanan ini merupakan satu-satunya pertubuhan di Malaysia yang memberi tumpuan khusus kepada kajian dan perawatan toksin di Malaysia.

Objektif :
  1. Membangunkan dan memajukan sains toksinologi di Malaysia.
  2. Mengenalpasti dan merangsang penyelidikan dan menerbitkan maklumat terkini di dalam bidang toksinologi
  3. Meningkatkan penghayatan dan menggalakkan kemajuan dalam bidang toksinologi;
  4. Bertindak sebagai satu platfom  bagi ahli berkomunikasi melalui pelbagai proseding dan program saintifik.
  5. Bertindak sebagai penghubung di antara pakar toksinologi Malaysia dengan ahli mana-mana persatuan atau institusi yang mempunyai minat dan tumpuan yang sama di peringkat kebangsaan dan antarabangsa.
  6. Menjadi sumber rujukan yang berwibawa dan perawatan klinikal yang optimal didalam bidang toksinologi di Malaysia.